Water Treatment & Distribution • Wastewater Collections & Treatment • Lakes & Source Water • Stormwater & Reuse
Ixom Watercare helps people across the water industry achieve reliable process improvement and water quality compliance with premier technologies including MIEX®, GridBee®, SolarBee®, and ResidualHQ®. Some of these solutions include:
Water Treatment & Distribution: Disinfection By-Product Mitigation & Removal, Disinfectant Monitoring & Control, PFAS Removal, Clearwell & Distribution Tank Mixing
Lakes & Source Water Reservoirs: Cyanobacteria Mitigation, Taste & Odor Control, Iron & Manganese, H2S Degassing
Wastewater Treatment: Energy Saving Aeration & Mixing Systems, Solids Suspension, Odor & Sludge Control
Wastewater Collections: Pump Station Wet Well Mixing
We combine innovative solutions with top notch manufacturing and nationwide in-field service capabilities to create trusted, full circle support our Customers depend on. Ixom Watercare has thousands of installations and are a trusted industry-leader solving water quality problems across the United States, Canada and the world.
Contact us today to discuss your water quality challenges.
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What our customers are saying...
No Blue Green Algae Problems –LP, Utah
"Blue green algae growth is no longer a problem since the SolarBee was installed! Our secchi depth is at 18 ft."
Can't Say Enough –VK, California
"We can't SAY ENOUGH about your team and your company. Now, if I could only put the rest of my 60+ pumps and another 60+ motors on SolarBees, life would be great. Thanks so much for the OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE!"
Machines Have Prevented Odors –L, Texas
"Since we installed a 2nd machine in the system, the system has been doing well, our machines have prevented odors and have prevented out of compliance for ammonia."
No Nitrification Problems –DO, California
"The SolarBees are working great in our chloramine system. Since the SolarBees were installed we have not had any nitrification problems."
THM Reduction Is Excellent! -DC,New York
"Attached is the Town’s most recent DBP results for the water tower. As you can see, the TTHM reduction is excellent and has brought the Town back into compliance after just one quarter of testing."
Great Employees –DW, New York
"I don't know where you find employees like the ones who have visited our Lake over the past two years, but, what ever it takes, I would keep them!"
Tremendous Impact –AC, California
"The ponds are green and healthy. They have not iced over all winter. The SolarBees have had a tremendous impact on these ponds!"
We Are Happy -RR, Minnesota
"THM results for the 3rd quarter were about 50% less. We will meet the compliance standards of the Stage 2 Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rule (D/DBPR) without any major capital improvements. My thanks to all of the SolarBee staff. We are a happy customer."