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Ixom Watercare "Gold Star" Customer Comments

gold star iconIxom Watercare works hard to provide the best water quality improvement solutions with the best service & support in the industry. Here are some of what we call "Gold Star Comments".


Very Happy –JS, California

"We are very happy with the SolarBee in our lake. We have not had to run the pumps to get circulation all summer long"

We Love The Mixers! -PE, Minnesota

"We absolutely love the mixers and they are working very well!"

Doing A Great Job! –RL, Montana

"The Solarbees are doing a great job! The lake is clear and has tested very well."

The Sludge Blanket Is Gone –JW, CA

"These photos are from installation - the existing sludge blanket was about 2"- 4" thick, and solids had also settled to the bottom. Two days after the GridBee AP mixer was turned on, the sludge blanket is gone and the basin is completely mixed."

Extremely Professional –AG, Texas

"I wanted to start off by saying how impressed we were with everyone involved with the installation and start up of the units. The entire staff that we dealt with were extremely professional and provided us with a great deal of information on the units. Please pass that on to everyone involved."

One Of Our Best Investments –JW, New Hampshire

"As of July 2014, 8 years after installation, our unit has not cost us anything to repair or maintain. The unit has even been struck by lightning several times and came back online after being reset. The SolarBee unit has been one of the best investments our utility has ever made."

Greatly Improved Water Quality –EJ, Florida

"The lake water quality is greatly improved since the installation of the SolarBee. There are less algal blooms, and water stratification. The secchi readings are the greatly improved since the SolarBee installation. We are very happy with the performance of the SolarBee.'

Dramatically Improved Clarity –WT, California

"In the ponds where SolarBees have been installed the water clarity has improved dramatically. We can now see 3-4 feet in depth and have experienced no odors. Evaporation rates have been enhanced dramatically as well."

We've Cut Down On Costs –PK, Vermont

"The SolarBee unit we've had in operation since last year has allowed us to cut down on power significantly and even more importantly cut down on service costs to keep operational the surface aerators/aspirators we previous relied on completely. Your factory service and support was the main reason we went with SolarBee instead of Aeromix."

No Chemical Application –VS, California

"We are very happy with the SolarBees. They definitely are doing their job; we have not had to apply any chemicals to the lake since the installation of the SolarBees."

Superb, Detailed, & Rare -OT, California

"Just wanted to say an incredibly big thank you for the superb customer service and attention to detail. It is so rare for us to have that type of service from vendors that we work with, it really sets Medora Co apart."

Greatly Improved –JC, Arkansas

"Water quality has greatly improved! We are very happy with the SolarBee unit in our tank. We also have SolarBees in our reservoir and the water quality is better than is has been in a long time."

Awesome Crew -DW, Colorado

"Your crew was awesome and I was impressed how quickly they were able to respond."

Solved Our Manganese Problem –JL, Georgia

"These SolarBee machines work great and have solved our manganese problem."

Gold Stars Around –KN, Oregon

"The SolarBee has been running great even during these darkest days of the year. We would give SolarBee 'gold stars around.' We are particularly happy with the service we have received over the years, and would be more than happy to share our positive experience with SolarBee."

Good People -RM, New York

"The installation went well, you have very good people throughout [your] company."

Safe & Professional Crew –DG, California

"Your crew was out last week at our Reservoir 2. I just wanted to let you know I was very impressed with their safety and professionalism."

Should Have Started With SolarBee –KG, Colorado

"We should have went with a SolarBee to begin with." (A competitive product was removed and replaced with SolarBee.)

No Algae Blooms! –SH, California

"We are thrilled with the SolarBees! We did not have to use chemicals last year at all, which is unheard of. Our clarity went from 1 ft to 8 ft. We did not experience any algae blooms."

Consistent Water Quality –SG, Iowa

"With the SolarBees, our water quality has been consistent and the turbidity has dropped from 20 NTUs to 7-10 NTUs."

Very Satisfied –KK, California

"The SolarBee continues to do its job. The water quality people are quite pleased that it has been able to maintain the residual and lack of problems with water quality. I think you could say, yes I am very satisfied."

Wonderful Service & Support –DH, Louisiana

"SolarBee has provided wonderful service and support. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with such professionals."

Working As Advertised –MC, Washington

"We installed the GS-9 ourselves in 1 hour. Very complete kit and great instructions! The mixers are working as advertised!"

Pretty Incredible –RL, California

"The ponds are doing very well. None of the ponds have gone sour since the SolarBees were installed, which is pretty incredible!"

A Pleasure To Work With –GB, New York

"It has been a pleasure to work with the SolarBee crews on their many trips here over the last couple years."

No Ice In Cold Winter –IG, Michigan

"Photos were taken from Lyons, MI. We put the GS-12 in last year. They wanted to see what the inside was like so we climbed up there Wednesday and took a look. The results- – no ice!!!! Considering how cold this winter has been, that is amazing. Who knew your mixers really did work? The owner is extremely happy with this as you can imagine."

Pleased With SolarBee Results –RF, Colorado

"There was some ice in the tank this year but it didn't completely freeze like it had before the SolarBee was installed. It was a very cold winter; coldest it has been in a very long time. We are pleased with the results of the SolarBee."

Cleared Effluent –KR, Georgia

"The effluent has cleared up completely. It looks like it could be drinking water!"

Friendly & Knowledgeable Crew –TB, Kansas

"The SolarBee crew that performed the installation were the friendliest and most knowledgeable group of guys I've been around."

Knowledgeable & Professional -RP, Pennsylvania

"Thanks for your great service. The crew was knowledgeable, professional, and made quick work. We look forward to working with your company again in the future."

Fishing Has Been Great! –HB, Michigan

"We are very happy on how the lake looks this spring. A lot of people have made comments that the ice fishing this past winter has been great. Best it's been in several years!"

Glowing Report -MS, Vermont

"While in VT yesterday I stopped in at the plant see how things were going. He speaks glowingly about his Medora Corp GridBee lagoon circulators and wants to be a reference for us, any time."

Significant Energy Cost Reduction –KL, Arizona

"The SolarBee units are working very well. They reduced our energy costs significantly and they improved their BOD reduction from 65% to 85%."

It's Been A Pleasure -DH, Florida

"Your company has consistently been a pleasure to deal with which is welcome change from the norm."

Big Cost Savings -ST, California

"SolarBee mixing technology have saved approximately $500,000 in construction costs upon installation and continues to save the District $20,000 annually in operational costs."

Many Thanks –RR, Nevada

"As I mentioned over the telephone today, I want to thank you for the work completed by your crew at our water treatment plant storage tank. The new float system for the sprayer is much appreciated along with the time and effort put into the transfer of the control box for the mixer. Please let the crew know that I appreciate their work. Many thanks to the folks at Solar Bee!"

Simple To Install –CR, Connecticut

"The unit has been running for approximately one month. The unit was very simple to install. It is keeping everything in suspension and the pumps aren't clogging. We are extremely happy with the AP500 and are going to order a second one."

Machines Are Working Well –BA, Washington

"Both GS-12s are installed and working well! Thanks for checking."

No Icing Problems –SC, Michigan

"Our tower is too small to lower the level much during the winter. Because we use the height of the water for pressure, we need to keep it as full as possible. Plus, lowering the water level compromised fire flow capacity. As a result, ice cakes were formed in the tank every winter. After installing the GS-12 mixer, I was able to keep the tank full during the winter with no icing problems."

Great Products! -JH, Idaho

"Great products and installation was a breeze."

100% Satisfied –AC, West Virgina

"We are 100% satisfied with the service provided by SolarBee and are impressed with how they went the extra mile."

Smells Like Spring Instead Not Odors –CN, South Dakota

"Every spring, for several weeks, odors would roll over the whole town. So, we installed SolarBee mixers in our ponds. Now, residents can look forward to smelling spring in the air instead of the treatment plant. We don't notice anything in the spring anymore."

Highly Professional Crew –RP, Oregon

"Your crew was highly professional and very proficient with safety issues during the install. The City crew learned a lot about safety issues that they incorporated into their practices. "

Reaped Rewards –BT, California

"Taking a step forward in technology has reaped a variety of rewards for this Public Utility District. Each of these rewards came about as a result of the district's installing a SolarBee, in each of our six ponds. The estimated savings to the electrical grid will be $113,700 and 855,722 kilowatt hours per year!"

Very Happy –TC, California

"Our operators are very happy with the six SolarBees installed for the county this summer! They have not had to boost since the installation. They cannot believe it! In the past they have had to boost every 1-2 weeks."

Very Customer Orientated –DS, Massachusetts

"The two men involved in the installation were cordial, smart, hard working, soft spoken, and very customer orientated. In short they are a very good representation of the company!"

Working To Get Additonal Machines –RP, Oregon

"Your installation team exhibited high quality professionalism. The great results from the modeling output shows the degree of mixing achieved. The performance achieved by the unit is great. We will continue to work with our department for additional SolarBees in our additional 17 potable water tanks."

Best Secchi Measurements In Years –AW, Massachusetts

"We had a very good summer, best Secchi disk measurements in many years (1.5m). Looking very good."

Ponds Working Better Than Ever –MS, California

"The system is working great/purring along. We are very happy with the sludge reduction, and we are also seeing the DO continue to come up in the ponds. The ponds appear to be working better than they ever have."

Best Water In 12 Years! –VK, Oregon

"The Solar Bees must be working! This is the best the water has looked since I started working here, and that's about 12 years."

Doing An Awesome Job –SH, California

"The Solar Bees are doing an awesome job. I as a homeowner am so glad the association invested in your product. Wow, what a difference it has made in the water quality!"

BeeKeeper, A Great Deal –DG, New Hampshire

"We really like our SolarBee, your company and the BeeKeeper (maintenance and service plan). The BeeKeeper costs $8k per year and is saving $120k per year on power. This is a great deal! We used to pay more than $8k per year maintaining blowers. We have not run our blowers for several years."

Cleared Water In One Season –SD, Alberta Canada

"We are absolutely amazed how the SolarBee has cleared up the water in just one season. We have never had such good, clear, odor free water!"

The Crew Is Unmatched –TC, Pennsylvania

"The Crew's attitude toward their job, your product and your company is unmatched. The whole operation from start to finish was professional, educational, and fun. It is very rare to find all those ingredients all on the same project."

Very Appreciated! –DC, Minnesota

"Thank You for the complimentary service. We don't know of anyone that comes out at the time when the warranties expire and replaces worn components to assure optimum life. Very generous and appreciated!"

Mixing Lowered THMs -BB, Texas

"Our first GS-9 reduced the THM levels in a standpipe by 40-50% and reduced HAA’s as well. We would like to order a 2nd GS-9 for another tank."

Reduced TOC –GT, Colorado

"We are very happy with the installations of the five SolarBees in the reservoir. SolarBees have reduced the TOC component in the lake which in turn has reduced the need to replace the carbon in the contactors in the water plant."

Solved Problems –RL, California

"SolarBees have solved our dimethyl mercury problem."

We Are Happy -RR, Minnesota

"THM results for the 3rd quarter were about 50% less. We will meet the compliance standards of the Stage 2 Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rule (D/DBPR) without any major capital improvements. My thanks to all of the SolarBee staff. We are a happy customer."

Amazed –SM, Colorado

"We are amazed how clean the water is. At the beginning we hoped the SolarBees would "kinda work", but we test the lakes all the time and it proves they really do the job. "

Everything is good. Zero maintenance. -JW, California

"Everything is good here. The [AP Series] mixing units are still working hard with zero maintenance so far."

Best Purchase Ever –RS, Michigan

"This is our third year that we have not had to add chemicals to reduce our phosphorous levels. The SolarBees continue to run without missing a day of run time year around. It is probably the best purchase the city has ever made!"

Exemplary Service -JB, Oklahoma

"In business it’s sometimes easy to point out what’s not right, and to take good service for granted. So, I wanted to take a moment to let you know what exemplary service one of your Engineers is giving [us]. He spent considerable time on the phone helping us understand Medora’s scope of supply, conveying what we needed to do to prepare for Medora’s delivery, and also discussing options for installation. He followed up our call with clear, concise drawings and written instructions. His efforts are appreciated. Thank you and best regards..."

No Algae Issues Ever Since -NW, Oregon

"I was the Public Works Director during a time when we had a bad algae bloom in our raw water reservoir. After a few years of chemical treatment, we purchased a SolarBee circulator and have had no issues ever since."

Cleanest & Best Looking Water –DB, California

"I stopped by the lake yesterday and went around the whole lake looking and some fishing - mostly looking. The water visibility is 10', the cleanest and best looking water I have ever seen in the lake! It was like an aquarium. It always gets clear this time of year, but not clean and healthy like now."

Totally Resolved Problems –DC, Minnesota

"The Solarbee has totally resolved our blue green algae problems and eliminated the odor problems. Your support and upgrades have been great."

Happy To Be A Reference –GC, Arkansas

" If you ever want to use us as a reference, I would be happy to talk with anyone of our customers. Last year around January/February we were seeing 40-50ug/L (THM readings), this year we are seeing 20-30ug/L. The real test will be known this summer. But, as soon as our larger tank is built, we intend to put another THM System in it as well. We are very happy with Medora Corporation and the SolarBee Performance!"

Improved Water In 3 Hours –FW, New York

"Just three hours after installation, we saw improvement in our water."

Wonderful Experience –IP, Texas

"The SolarBee technicians could not have been more professional and generous with their knowledge and strength. Working with SolarBee has been a wonderful experience."

Very Impressed –MB, South Dakota

"We are very impressed with the service we receive from your company and we are very happy with our SolarBee installations."

Working With Customers Builds Relationships –JP, North Carolina

"I appreciate the way Medora works with customers. I have previously worked in sales and marketing with XXXXXXXX, and they were not this smart. Your company recognizes that working with customers builds long term customer relationships. If we get this working, we would be willing to put a paper/presentation together about it for WEF or Watereuse Association."

Reduced Macrophytes –DI, Alberta Canada

"The macrophytes in this lake have been greatly reduced since the installation of the SolarBee!"

Reduced Chlorine Boosting –SS, Nevada

"We are very happy with the SolarBee and GridBee units' performance in reducing our chlorine boosting needs and meeting our THM limits."

Diminished Odor Complaints –LS, California

"The SolarBees in the reservoir are doing a great job. The taste and odor complaints and copper treatments have diminished greatly. The greatest visual impact has been on the reduction of macrophytes. We no longer harvest any weeds at all."

Can't Beat SolarBee –PG, California

"You just can't beat a SolarBee! We are definitely part of the fan club."

Water Clarity Is 8 ft –MW, California

"The water clarity is 8 ft; that's awesome! We would be happy to serve as a positive reference for SolarBee."

VERY Pleased –MH, Montana

"We are VERY pleased with the SolarBee performance at our reservoir! The secchi depth is about 18 ft. and the algae count is way down."

Everything Is Going Well –TT, California

"We are pleased and everything is going well. We have not had to use copper sulfate since the SolarBee was installed!"

Not Possible Without SolarBee –AW, California

"Our conversion to chloramine would not have been possible without SolarBees."

The Crew Worked Proficiently –MV, New Mexico

"It was raining like cats and dogs when your crew arrived. They worked proficiently to complete the install despite being soaked and getting stuck twice. They were real professionals."

No More Algae OR Copper –KC, Arkansas

"We haven't had an algae bloom or had to add copper sulfate since the SolarBees were installed. We were adding 600-700 lbs of copper sulfate per week from June through September!"

Saved $200,000 In Chemical Costs –KW, Colorado

"The SolarBees have saved our facility $200,000 in chemical costs per year since the their installation! Everything is working properly."

Extra Steps To Make Customers Happy –LC, New Hampshire

"We have never had a crew onsite that are the caliber of these men. They are not only professional but take extra steps to make sure the customer is happy. They have great attitudes, work ethic and politeness."

Positive Impacts –PH, California

"We are very pleased with SolarBees and their positive impacts on our water system storage facilities. We are very happy with your service."

Best Company To Work With –TG, Colorado

"SolarBee is one of the best companies we have ever worked with!"

Improvements Across The Board –HR, California

"Our new solar powered SolarBee mixer has been an improvement across the board with the new technology: better water quality, lower maintenance and no electricity is required."

Improvements Are Substantial –ES, Colorado

"The reservoir improvements are substantial, no blue-green blooms last year, clarity improved dramatically and overall water quality greatly improved."

Crew Did Great –GC, Arkansas

"Your crew did a great job. They did not hesitate to accommodate our needs. They were polite and showed good expertise. We would hire any one of them in a minute."

So Easy To Work With –RC, Coldorado

"It's been a pleasure working with this company over the years. You have been easy to work with and all the crew members have been top-rate and very professional."

$5,000 - $6,000 Savings –DB, New York

"We are saving between $5000-$6000 a year on chemical utilization."

Increased Oxygen & Less Odor –JS, Colorado

"We love what our SolarBees have done to the lake! The oxygen levels have increased substantially, and the odors are mostly gone."

Best Safety Procedures –RQ, Nevada

"SolarBee has the best installation and safety procedures in place of any vendor we have ever seen. Your crews are way above any vendor! We are very happy with the SolarBee units. Your technology is ahead of everyone." This comments reflects on some 20 installations in this area.

Always Impressed With SolarBee –VK, California

"We have always been impressed by the SolarBee firm. We can't seem to say enough about you, and then you pull another "WOW" factor by providing very quick response about our aquatic weed issue that just "floored" me. We wish that we could provide our residents half the support you provide to us. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH !"

Water Quality Is Great –VS, California

"We love our SolarBees! The copper sulfate we bought is just rotting away sitting on the pallets. Water quality is great!"

Less Than Three Year Payback –JN, Georgia

"We based everything on a conservative assumption for a 50% reduction in chemicals used to treat the BGA and associated T&O. At a 50% reduction we looked at a 8 year payback. In reality, we were very surprised by being able to reduce the chemicals by 90% which gave us less then a 3 year payback. This is not the norm for the water treatment industry. Usually we look at 10, 15, or 20 year returns on investments. Solar Bees is one of those products that does exactly what we needed it to do and what the engineers at Medora said they would do. It out-performed everyone in our organization's expectations."

Doing A Great Job –AK, Colorado

"We no longer use the diffuser and rely only on the SolarBee. Its doing a great job of odor capping."

Efficient & Professional –RR, Arizona

"SolarBee is one of the most efficient professional groups we have ever worked with."

Very Satisfied –ML, California

"We are very satisfied with the SolarBees. We now only have to spot treat the pond 2-3 times a year for duckweed in small areas around the edge."

Substantial Savings –RP, Pennsylvania

"Our constant discharge effluent into a stream is the cleanest it has ever been. Our state no longer requires water samples on the weekends like we had to do before installation of the SolarBees. We have seen substantial savings in electrical energy costs since the SolarBee installation."

THM Reduction Is Excellent! -DC,New York

"Attached is the Town’s most recent DBP results for the water tower. As you can see, the TTHM reduction is excellent and has brought the Town back into compliance after just one quarter of testing."