Ixom Watercare works hard to provide the best water quality improvement solutions with the best service & support in the industry. Here are some of what we call "Gold Star Comments".
Wonderful & Efficient- GT, Alaska
"The SolarBee is performing wonderfully and efficiently. Thank you for your assistance with your great product."
Solved Our Manganese Problem –JL, Georgia
"These SolarBee machines work great and have solved our manganese problem."
Should Have Started With SolarBee –KG, Colorado
"We should have went with a SolarBee to begin with." (A competitive product was removed and replaced with SolarBee.)
Very Appreciated! –DC, Minnesota
"Thank You for the complimentary service. We don't know of anyone that
comes out at the time when the warranties expire and replaces worn components to assure optimum life. Very generous and appreciated!"
Pleased With The Bees- JB, Colorado
"We are very pleased with the performance of the SolarBees up at the reservoir. It was a much easier autumn thanks to them."
Very Happy With Medora Corporation –SL, California
"We are very happy with your company. Everybody is friendly, informative, and we really enjoy working with you."
Increased Water Clarity –SH, California
"We did not have to use chemicals at all last year. The water clarity went from one foot to eight feet and we had no algae blooms."
No Algae Or MN Issues –VS, California
"We have not experienced any algae or MN issues since we installed the SolarBee."
No Ice In The Tank –NW, Illinois
"The operator reported last night that within a couple of days there was a 15-foot open water space above the mixer and that as of yesterday there was no ice in the tank. The mixer definitely did its job."
Extremely Happy –DO, Colorado
"We are extremely happy with our GridBees. They are leaving 4-foot or more open circle in the ice, even during the coldest parts of winter, and they've helped with the manganese problem."
Eternally Grateful –RL, California
"Our reservoir has two SolarBees which seem to be solving our dimethyl mercury problem. I am eternally grateful."
Improvements Across The Board –HR, California
"Our new solar powered SolarBee mixer has been an improvement across the board with the new technology: better water quality, lower maintenance and no electricity is required."
So Easy To Work With –RC, Coldorado
"It's been a pleasure working with this company over the years. You have been easy to work with and all the crew members have been top-rate and very professional."
One Of Our Best Investments –JW, New Hampshire
"As of July 2014, 8 years after installation, our unit has not cost us anything to repair or maintain. The unit has even been struck by lightning several times and came back online after being reset. The SolarBee unit has been one of the best investments our utility has ever made."
Seamless Satisfaction- CM, Massachusetts
"I can’t believe how seamlessly this worked out. This is why we push for you guys on our projects."
We Appreciate It! -AW, Arizona
"Thank you very much for the quick response. You guys are quick & easy to work with and we appreciate it!"
A Job Well Done -GA, Texas
"Just wanted so say thanks to you and IXOM for job well done on installing our secondary system. You have got a very professional crew."
NO Odor –JT,Michigan
"We have NO odor and very little sludge or slurry. We are happy with our Solarbees!"
Highly Professional Crew –BE, Oregon
"The SolarBee crew was highly professional and very proficient with safety issues. We have learned a lot about safety issues that they incorporated into their practices."
Improved Water In 3 Hours –FW, New York
"Just three hours after installation, we saw improvement in our water."
Thank You! –LK, Arizona
"Thank you! It's always a pleasure dealing with your company. I wish more were like you guys."
Great Customer Service Skills! -QJ, California
"I very much appreciate the expedient service we received...great customer service skills!"
Amazing Impact –JB, California
"The SolarBees are preventative and have had an amazing impact on water quality, and water clarity. We strive to prevent any possible fish kill events. Your service crews have done a tremendous job in keeping our system functional and up to date."
Working With Customers Builds Relationships –JP, North Carolina
"I appreciate the way Medora works with customers. I have previously worked in sales and marketing with XXXXXXXX, and they were not this smart. Your company recognizes that working with customers builds long term customer relationships. If we get this working, we would be willing to put a paper/presentation together about it for WEF or Watereuse Association."
Efficient & Professional –JC, California
"The installation went very well and the installation team from SolarBee was very efficient and professional."
Special Service -JL, Georgia
"Your service department has always treated us as a special customer. Your efforts do not go unnoticed! Thank you again!!!"
One Of A Kind Company -KT, CA
“You’re a one of a kind company. You get things done and you stand behind your product. You don’t find much of that these days.”
Complete Mixing –JM, California
"We have found that we have complete mixing inside the tank after approximately 36 hours. That is with the reservoir filled to 20 feet which equates to 7.4 million gallons of water. We are very happy with the SolarBee results."
90% Ice Gone –DG, New Hampshire
"We are extremely pleased with the SolarBee unit's performance this winter especially in regard to the shore power backup. They kept our units running flawlessly all winter long. Our ice is about 90% gone."
Wish All Vendors Were Like SolarBee –SP, California
"We wish all of our vendors would be like SolarBee."
Algae Reduced 50% –JS, California
"This summer the filamentous algae in our 1.3 acre, raw water storage pond was reduced to 50% surface coverage. Before the SB1250V12 was installed, the filamentous algae would normally cover about 75% of our pond's surface during peak summer months."
Impressive Crew –JL, Georgia
"There is less than one degree of temperature difference throughout the entire tank. The professionalism of the installation crews and their commitment to safety while on the job site is impressive."
Decreased Electric Bill –KM, New Hampshire
"Our electric bill used to be $40,000 a year and it has gone down substantially since the installation of the SolarBee."
We Love The Mixers! -PE, Minnesota
"We absolutely love the mixers and they are working very well!"
Saved Us Thousands –SS, Ohio
"The SolarBee installation in our new WWTP has worked great this year. It has saved us thousands of dollars from the alternative plan we were looking at before installing SolarBees."
Preventing Fish Kills -JA, Colorado
"The SolarBee units continue to work well to prevent fish kills in high elevation mountain lakes by keeping an open area in the ice."
In Compliance Since Install –TR, Kansas
"We are very happy with the SolarBee units. The BOD and TSS have been in compliance for over two years since the installation of the SolarBees."
Great Job Circulating –BW, Illinois
"The SolarBees are doing a great job of circulating the water and eliminating the thermocline!"
TTHM System Performing Well - DW, Nevada
"The system is performing very well and each quarter's results seem to be reduced or stayed low. All keeping the Locational Running Annual average (LRAA) below the MCL. Thanks for all your help."
Mixing Lowered THMs -BB, Texas
"Our first GS-9 reduced the THM levels in a standpipe by 40-50% and reduced HAA’s as well. We would like to order a 2nd GS-9 for another tank."
Fast Response –MC, California
"We loved the fast response. Installation was quick and easy."
Works Like Clockwork –JT, Colorado
"This year the system worked like clockwork, no problems, no algae blooms. We are sold on the product. Your service is great."
Absolutely Successful -JB, Colorado
"SolarBees have absolutely been successful in fighting our algae problem. Last year was the first year on record that there were not significant algal blooms."
Met Expectations –MM, California
"Our THM system is working very well and has met our expectations."
Everything Is Working Great –TR, Kansas
"We have 11 SolarBee units installed in three ponds since 2007. Everything is working great. We have not had any BOD or TSS violations since the units were installed. We are very happy with the machines and the service, and we plan to renew the Beekeeper Service Contract. "
Fishing Has Been Great! –HB, Michigan
"We are very happy on how the lake looks this spring. A lot of people have made comments that the ice fishing this past winter has been great. Best it's been in several years!"
Amazing Results –AH, New Hampshire
"We have seen amazing results in operation, process, and energy savings. We certainly do support the Beekeeper."
Lots Of Positive Comments –JE, Illinois
"The SolarBee is working good and it functions continuously without stopping. We get a lot of positive comments and questions."
Wish Other Vendors Were Like SolarBee –AC, Connecticut
"Your crews are hard working, decent people who care about their job and the customers. We wish our other vendors were more like SolarBee."
Ordering Another SolarBee –TM, Alberta Canada
"We are happy with the results in this holding pond. The water quality is much improved since the SolarBee was installed. Because of these results we are ordering a SolarBee for one of our other lakes."
Down To 182Hp/day –AK, Oregon
"Right now we are down to an average of 182Hp/day. Our baseline when the project started was 568Hp/day. The initial estimates were for a reduction of 35.2% and we are down 68%. We started reducing aeration and by Oct. 2010 we were at 330/day. By July 2011 we were at 214/day and now we are at about as low as we want to go."
Best Customer Service –KE, Florida
"Thank-you so much for the best customer service moment yesterday when the techs were out troubleshooting our Solar Bee. The three techs (Derek, John and Matt) deserve to be recognized also in their hard work and professionalism. I'm very happy that the Solar Bee is working now."
Dramatic Decrease -PD, Massachusetts
“So far the three units (GridBee® AP500 Wet Well Mixers) we have installed are working great, we have seen a dramatic decrease in alarm calls due to grease or debris buildup on floats or other pump controls.”
Keeping Ice Off –BK, Arkansas
"The GS-12 is doing a great job keeping the ice off our 420,000 gallon tank."
Amazed –SM, Colorado
"We are amazed how clean the water is. At the beginning we hoped the SolarBees would "kinda work", but we test the lakes all the time and it proves they really do the job. "
Impressed With Results –RY, MA.
"We have been testing the water about once a week since the SolarBees were installed. We are very happy and impressed with the results."
Good People -RM, New York
"The installation went well, you have very good people throughout [your] company."
Even Temperature –KK, California
"The SolarBee is doing what it is supposed to do since the temperature top to bottom is only tenths of a degree different. The chlorine residual only drops about a tenth each month."
Reduced Electric Bills –JD, West Virginia
"Since the SolarBees were installed, we have seen the best water color in all our years as an operator and our electric bills are a third of what they had been."
Simple To Install –CR, Connecticut
"The unit has been running for approximately one month. The unit was very simple to install. It is keeping everything in suspension and the pumps aren't clogging. We are extremely happy with the AP500 and are going to order a second one."
GREAT Service -GP, Ohio
"This is a GREAT service your company provides, customer service and follow-up is hard to find now a days. Please pass our THANK YOU on to your crew, we really do appreciate it."
Greater Clarity –MO, California
"We saw greater clarity almost immediately."
High Quality Staff & Great Results –JR, Oregon
"We continue to rave about the high quality professional staff of SolarBee during the installation process, the performance achieved by the unit, and the great results from the modeling output showing the degree of mixing achieved with the unit. We plan to use those figures to convince the department to proceed with additional installations in our 17 PW tanks."
Lake Water Looks Great! –PT, California
"Just want to say thanks: the lake water looks **great**! That SolarBee is working. I wanted you to know we really appreciate it."
It's Been A Pleasure -DH, Florida
"Your company has consistently been a pleasure to deal with which is welcome change from the norm."
Glowing Report -MS, Vermont
"While in VT yesterday I stopped in at the plant see how things were going. He speaks glowingly about his Medora Corp GridBee lagoon circulators and wants to be a reference for us, any time."
Very Customer Orientated –DS, Massachusetts
"The two men involved in the installation were cordial, smart, hard working, soft spoken, and very customer orientated. In short they are a very good representation of the company!"
Flawless Operation -LR, Arizona
"[The potable tank] Mixer is operating flawlessly."
Hard Working Crew –JL, Wisconsin
"Your service crew are hard workers. Their knowledge in repairing the SolarBees was excellent. They are a valuable asset to SolarBee and to their customers."
No Icing Problems –SC, Michigan
"Our tower is too small to lower the level much during the winter. Because we use the height of the water for pressure, we need to keep it as full as possible. Plus, lowering the water level compromised fire flow capacity. As a result, ice cakes were formed in the tank every winter. After installing the GS-12 mixer, I was able to keep the tank full during the winter with no icing problems."
Efficient & Professional –RR, Arizona
"SolarBee is one of the most efficient professional groups we have ever worked with."
Water Clarity Is 8 ft –MW, California
"The water clarity is 8 ft; that's awesome! We would be happy to serve as a positive reference for SolarBee."
8-10 ft. Secchi Depths –JH, Oregon
"Our Secchi depths are ranging 8-10 ft. We are happy with the results!"
Pretty Spectacular –DB, California
"This is an incredible lake now. It is mind blowing. A completely different reservoir. This is pretty spectacular."
"We essentially have had no nitrification issues in 2008. The mixing with the injection system allows us to keep our ratios of chlorine and ammonia in check. Everything is working well and we have no service issues."
A Considerable Difference –JS, Texas
"We have not used the Fast Response Boost System yet, and haven't need to, but the SolarBee SB1250PW v18 is working great! We have noticed a considerable difference. We are not experiencing any problems at all, compared to last year."
Very Satisfied –ML, California
"We are very satisfied with the SolarBees. We now only have to spot treat the pond 2-3 times a year for duckweed in small areas around the edge."
A Great Investment –PJ, California
"We love the SolarBees. It is the best investment that we have ever made!"
Very Impressed –MB, South Dakota
"We are very impressed with the service we receive from your company and we are very happy with our SolarBee installations."
Exemplary Service -JB, Oklahoma
"In business it’s sometimes easy to point out what’s not right, and to take good service for granted.
So, I wanted to take a moment to let you know what exemplary service [Medora] is providing us. [Your] efforts are appreciated."
Lake Looks Great –DG, California
"The lake at The Park looks great. We really appreciated all of the effort that SolarBee has put into the Park. We wish that all of our vendors were like SolarBee."
The Crew Worked Proficiently –MV, New Mexico
"It was raining like cats and dogs when your crew arrived. They worked proficiently to complete the install despite being soaked and getting stuck twice. They were real professionals."
Phenomenal Job –IP, Texas
"The SolarBee did a phenomenal job at improving conditions. We observed not only a visual improvement in water quality but an increase in the diversity of amphibians, aquatic invertebrates, and fish populations. This leads to an increase in the use of the pond by other wildlife such as birds and mammals. These improvements also lead to a greater interest and education opportunity for the general public to learn about the benefits of improved water quality."
Improved Circulation & Resolved Stratification –RN, California
"We have seen the benefits of the installation of the SolarBees in our storage facilities. It has definitely improved circulation inside these potable storage's and solved the stratification problems we have been experiencing."
Can't Beat SolarBee –PG, California
"You just can't beat a SolarBee! We are definitely part of the fan club."
Great Team -JW, Nevada
"Great team you have, the install went well. Thanks again for all your help"
SolarBees Working Flawlessly –DC, California
"We have 4 SolarBees in our potable tanks. Our potable water system has a 30 MG storage capacity, but we could only utilize about 5 MG prior to the SolarBees. We were always trying to deep cycle, but were limited due to poor water quality. After the SolarBees were installed they doubled and tripled the use of our system. The SolarBees have been working flawlessly."
Saved Thousands –PR, Michigan
"The reservoir has very good clarity. Since the Solarbees have been installed in the system we do not have to move water through the system in order to keep the water quality high. This has saved thousands of dollars a month in the spring, summer and fall. "
100% Satisfied –A, West Virginia
"We are completely, 100% satisfied with your service and are impressed how your company went the extra mile!"
A Job Well Done -AB, New Jersey
"I would like to offer my thanks for the job well done by your team. Despite the limitations placed on them by our Covid-19 precautions, they cooperated fully, and with professionalism."
An Exceptional Job –JZ, Wyoming
"Thanks for getting Steve back up here to fix our glitches. He is great to work with and did an exceptional job! Please pass that on to the powers that be!"
Wonderful Service & Support –DH, Louisiana
"SolarBee has provided wonderful service and support. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with such professionals."
OUTSTANDING Customer Service –VK, California
"Your staff and company has earned a HUGE GOLD STAR from our community and me for the OUTSTANDING customer service that you have provided to us. To me it feels like you think our community is your number ONE customer."
Happy With SolarBee –KH, Illinois
"As local residents we would like to comment on the good water quality. We are happy with the SolarBee performance."
Very Reliable & Met Objectives –DC, Colorado
"The two SolarBee's installed in 2007 have been very reliable and have met their objectives. We actively recommend your company to anyone with water issues in the area and you might expect a call from someone with the Colorado Dept of Health in the future."
Improvements Are Substantial –ES, Colorado
"The reservoir improvements are substantial, no blue-green blooms
last year, clarity improved dramatically and overall water quality greatly improved."
Reduced THMs By 50% –RS, Colorado
"Our THM’s are 50% of what they were prior to the SolarBee installation. We have not had any ice issues and there are other improvements."
FOG Reduction & Fewer Clogs! -NS, Washington
Here is a before and after pic of the wet well. You can see there is a reduction of FOG build up in the wet well and they also have fewer clogging issues with the pumps!
Thanks For Checking –SM, Illinois
"Thanks for checking on our equipment. It says volumes about your customer service, that is so lacking from many of today's firms."
Wonderful & Efficient- GT, Alaska
"The SolarBee is performing wonderfully and efficiently. Thank you for your assistance with your great product."
Solved Our Manganese Problem –JL, Georgia
"These SolarBee machines work great and have solved our manganese problem."
Should Have Started With SolarBee –KG, Colorado
"We should have went with a SolarBee to begin with." (A competitive product was removed and replaced with SolarBee.)
Very Appreciated! –DC, Minnesota
"Thank You for the complimentary service. We don't know of anyone that comes out at the time when the warranties expire and replaces worn components to assure optimum life. Very generous and appreciated!"
Pleased With The Bees- JB, Colorado
"We are very pleased with the performance of the SolarBees up at the reservoir. It was a much easier autumn thanks to them."
Very Happy With Medora Corporation –SL, California
"We are very happy with your company. Everybody is friendly, informative, and we really enjoy working with you."
Increased Water Clarity –SH, California
"We did not have to use chemicals at all last year. The water clarity went from one foot to eight feet and we had no algae blooms."
No Algae Or MN Issues –VS, California
"We have not experienced any algae or MN issues since we installed the SolarBee."
No Ice In The Tank –NW, Illinois
"The operator reported last night that within a couple of days there was a 15-foot open water space above the mixer and that as of yesterday there was no ice in the tank. The mixer definitely did its job."
Extremely Happy –DO, Colorado
"We are extremely happy with our GridBees. They are leaving 4-foot or more open circle in the ice, even during the coldest parts of winter, and they've helped with the manganese problem."
Eternally Grateful –RL, California
"Our reservoir has two SolarBees which seem to be solving our dimethyl mercury problem. I am eternally grateful."
Improvements Across The Board –HR, California
"Our new solar powered SolarBee mixer has been an improvement across the board with the new technology: better water quality, lower maintenance and no electricity is required."
So Easy To Work With –RC, Coldorado
"It's been a pleasure working with this company over the years. You have been easy to work with and all the crew members have been top-rate and very professional."
One Of Our Best Investments –JW, New Hampshire
"As of July 2014, 8 years after installation, our unit has not cost us anything to repair or maintain. The unit has even been struck by lightning several times and came back online after being reset. The SolarBee unit has been one of the best investments our utility has ever made."
Seamless Satisfaction- CM, Massachusetts
"I can’t believe how seamlessly this worked out. This is why we push for you guys on our projects."
We Appreciate It! -AW, Arizona
"Thank you very much for the quick response. You guys are quick & easy to work with and we appreciate it!"
A Job Well Done -GA, Texas
"Just wanted so say thanks to you and IXOM for job well done on installing our secondary system. You have got a very professional crew."
NO Odor –JT,Michigan
"We have NO odor and very little sludge or slurry. We are happy with our Solarbees!"
Highly Professional Crew –BE, Oregon
"The SolarBee crew was highly professional and very proficient with safety issues. We have learned a lot about safety issues that they incorporated into their practices."
Improved Water In 3 Hours –FW, New York
"Just three hours after installation, we saw improvement in our water."
Thank You! –LK, Arizona
"Thank you! It's always a pleasure dealing with your company. I wish more were like you guys."
Great Customer Service Skills! -QJ, California
"I very much appreciate the expedient service we received...great customer service skills!"
Amazing Impact –JB, California
"The SolarBees are preventative and have had an amazing impact on water quality, and water clarity. We strive to prevent any possible fish kill events. Your service crews have done a tremendous job in keeping our system functional and up to date."
Working With Customers Builds Relationships –JP, North Carolina
"I appreciate the way Medora works with customers. I have previously worked in sales and marketing with XXXXXXXX, and they were not this smart. Your company recognizes that working with customers builds long term customer relationships. If we get this working, we would be willing to put a paper/presentation together about it for WEF or Watereuse Association."
Efficient & Professional –JC, California
"The installation went very well and the installation team from SolarBee was very efficient and professional."
Special Service -JL, Georgia
"Your service department has always treated us as a special customer. Your efforts do not go unnoticed! Thank you again!!!"
One Of A Kind Company -KT, CA
“You’re a one of a kind company. You get things done and you stand behind your product. You don’t find much of that these days.”
Complete Mixing –JM, California
"We have found that we have complete mixing inside the tank after approximately 36 hours. That is with the reservoir filled to 20 feet which equates to 7.4 million gallons of water. We are very happy with the SolarBee results."
90% Ice Gone –DG, New Hampshire
"We are extremely pleased with the SolarBee unit's performance this winter especially in regard to the shore power backup. They kept our units running flawlessly all winter long. Our ice is about 90% gone."
Wish All Vendors Were Like SolarBee –SP, California
"We wish all of our vendors would be like SolarBee."
Algae Reduced 50% –JS, California
"This summer the filamentous algae in our 1.3 acre, raw water storage pond was reduced to 50% surface coverage. Before the SB1250V12 was installed, the filamentous algae would normally cover about 75% of our pond's surface during peak summer months."
Impressive Crew –JL, Georgia
"There is less than one degree of temperature difference throughout the entire tank. The professionalism of the installation crews and their commitment to safety while on the job site is impressive."
Decreased Electric Bill –KM, New Hampshire
"Our electric bill used to be $40,000 a year and it has gone down substantially since the installation of the SolarBee."
We Love The Mixers! -PE, Minnesota
"We absolutely love the mixers and they are working very well!"
Saved Us Thousands –SS, Ohio
"The SolarBee installation in our new WWTP has worked great this year. It has saved us thousands of dollars from the alternative plan we were looking at before installing SolarBees."
Preventing Fish Kills -JA, Colorado
"The SolarBee units continue to work well to prevent fish kills in high elevation mountain lakes by keeping an open area in the ice."
In Compliance Since Install –TR, Kansas
"We are very happy with the SolarBee units. The BOD and TSS have been in compliance for over two years since the installation of the SolarBees."
Great Job Circulating –BW, Illinois
"The SolarBees are doing a great job of circulating the water and eliminating the thermocline!"
TTHM System Performing Well - DW, Nevada
"The system is performing very well and each quarter's results seem to be reduced or stayed low. All keeping the Locational Running Annual average (LRAA) below the MCL. Thanks for all your help."
Mixing Lowered THMs -BB, Texas
"Our first GS-9 reduced the THM levels in a standpipe by 40-50% and reduced HAA’s as well. We would like to order a 2nd GS-9 for another tank."
Fast Response –MC, California
"We loved the fast response. Installation was quick and easy."
Works Like Clockwork –JT, Colorado
"This year the system worked like clockwork, no problems, no algae blooms. We are sold on the product. Your service is great."
Absolutely Successful -JB, Colorado
"SolarBees have absolutely been successful in fighting our algae problem. Last year was the first year on record that there were not significant algal blooms."
Met Expectations –MM, California
"Our THM system is working very well and has met our expectations."
Everything Is Working Great –TR, Kansas
"We have 11 SolarBee units installed in three ponds since 2007. Everything is working great. We have not had any BOD or TSS violations since the units were installed. We are very happy with the machines and the service, and we plan to renew the Beekeeper Service Contract. "
Fishing Has Been Great! –HB, Michigan
"We are very happy on how the lake looks this spring. A lot of people have made comments that the ice fishing this past winter has been great. Best it's been in several years!"
Amazing Results –AH, New Hampshire
"We have seen amazing results in operation, process, and energy savings. We certainly do support the Beekeeper."
Lots Of Positive Comments –JE, Illinois
"The SolarBee is working good and it functions continuously without stopping. We get a lot of positive comments and questions."
Wish Other Vendors Were Like SolarBee –AC, Connecticut
"Your crews are hard working, decent people who care about their job and the customers. We wish our other vendors were more like SolarBee."
Ordering Another SolarBee –TM, Alberta Canada
"We are happy with the results in this holding pond. The water quality is much improved since the SolarBee was installed. Because of these results we are ordering a SolarBee for one of our other lakes."
Down To 182Hp/day –AK, Oregon
"Right now we are down to an average of 182Hp/day. Our baseline when the project started was 568Hp/day. The initial estimates were for a reduction of 35.2% and we are down 68%. We started reducing aeration and by Oct. 2010 we were at 330/day. By July 2011 we were at 214/day and now we are at about as low as we want to go."
Best Customer Service –KE, Florida
"Thank-you so much for the best customer service moment yesterday when the techs were out troubleshooting our Solar Bee. The three techs (Derek, John and Matt) deserve to be recognized also in their hard work and professionalism. I'm very happy that the Solar Bee is working now."
Dramatic Decrease -PD, Massachusetts
“So far the three units (GridBee® AP500 Wet Well Mixers) we have installed are working great, we have seen a dramatic decrease in alarm calls due to grease or debris buildup on floats or other pump controls.”
Keeping Ice Off –BK, Arkansas
"The GS-12 is doing a great job keeping the ice off our 420,000 gallon tank."
Amazed –SM, Colorado
"We are amazed how clean the water is. At the beginning we hoped the SolarBees would "kinda work", but we test the lakes all the time and it proves they really do the job. "
Impressed With Results –RY, MA.
"We have been testing the water about once a week since the SolarBees were installed. We are very happy and impressed with the results."
Good People -RM, New York
"The installation went well, you have very good people throughout [your] company."
Even Temperature –KK, California
"The SolarBee is doing what it is supposed to do since the temperature top to bottom is only tenths of a degree different. The chlorine residual only drops about a tenth each month."
Reduced Electric Bills –JD, West Virginia
"Since the SolarBees were installed, we have seen the best water color in all our years as an operator and our electric bills are a third of what they had been."
Simple To Install –CR, Connecticut
"The unit has been running for approximately one month. The unit was very simple to install. It is keeping everything in suspension and the pumps aren't clogging. We are extremely happy with the AP500 and are going to order a second one."
GREAT Service -GP, Ohio
"This is a GREAT service your company provides, customer service and follow-up is hard to find now a days. Please pass our THANK YOU on to your crew, we really do appreciate it."
Greater Clarity –MO, California
"We saw greater clarity almost immediately."
High Quality Staff & Great Results –JR, Oregon
"We continue to rave about the high quality professional staff of SolarBee during the installation process, the performance achieved by the unit, and the great results from the modeling output showing the degree of mixing achieved with the unit. We plan to use those figures to convince the department to proceed with additional installations in our 17 PW tanks."
Lake Water Looks Great! –PT, California
"Just want to say thanks: the lake water looks **great**! That SolarBee is working. I wanted you to know we really appreciate it."
It's Been A Pleasure -DH, Florida
"Your company has consistently been a pleasure to deal with which is welcome change from the norm."
Glowing Report -MS, Vermont
"While in VT yesterday I stopped in at the plant see how things were going. He speaks glowingly about his Medora Corp GridBee lagoon circulators and wants to be a reference for us, any time."
Very Customer Orientated –DS, Massachusetts
"The two men involved in the installation were cordial, smart, hard working, soft spoken, and very customer orientated. In short they are a very good representation of the company!"
Flawless Operation -LR, Arizona
"[The potable tank] Mixer is operating flawlessly."
Hard Working Crew –JL, Wisconsin
"Your service crew are hard workers. Their knowledge in repairing the SolarBees was excellent. They are a valuable asset to SolarBee and to their customers."
No Icing Problems –SC, Michigan
"Our tower is too small to lower the level much during the winter. Because we use the height of the water for pressure, we need to keep it as full as possible. Plus, lowering the water level compromised fire flow capacity. As a result, ice cakes were formed in the tank every winter. After installing the GS-12 mixer, I was able to keep the tank full during the winter with no icing problems."
Efficient & Professional –RR, Arizona
"SolarBee is one of the most efficient professional groups we have ever worked with."
Water Clarity Is 8 ft –MW, California
"The water clarity is 8 ft; that's awesome! We would be happy to serve as a positive reference for SolarBee."
8-10 ft. Secchi Depths –JH, Oregon
"Our Secchi depths are ranging 8-10 ft. We are happy with the results!"
Pretty Spectacular –DB, California
"This is an incredible lake now. It is mind blowing. A completely different reservoir. This is pretty spectacular."
Greatly Improved -DS, Colorado
"Heavy algae growth was frequently plugging off the filters. Now the filter plugging is greatly reduced and the [AerationPlus©] AP1800 has greatly improved the water clarity."
No Nitrification Issues –JG, California
"We essentially have had no nitrification issues in 2008. The mixing with the injection system allows us to keep our ratios of chlorine and ammonia in check. Everything is working well and we have no service issues."
A Considerable Difference –JS, Texas
"We have not used the Fast Response Boost System yet, and haven't need to, but the SolarBee SB1250PW v18 is working great! We have noticed a considerable difference. We are not experiencing any problems at all, compared to last year."
Very Satisfied –ML, California
"We are very satisfied with the SolarBees. We now only have to spot treat the pond 2-3 times a year for duckweed in small areas around the edge."
A Great Investment –PJ, California
"We love the SolarBees. It is the best investment that we have ever made!"
Very Impressed –MB, South Dakota
"We are very impressed with the service we receive from your company and we are very happy with our SolarBee installations."
Exemplary Service -JB, Oklahoma
"In business it’s sometimes easy to point out what’s not right, and to take good service for granted. So, I wanted to take a moment to let you know what exemplary service [Medora] is providing us. [Your] efforts are appreciated."
Lake Looks Great –DG, California
"The lake at The Park looks great. We really appreciated all of the effort that SolarBee has put into the Park. We wish that all of our vendors were like SolarBee."
The Crew Worked Proficiently –MV, New Mexico
"It was raining like cats and dogs when your crew arrived. They worked proficiently to complete the install despite being soaked and getting stuck twice. They were real professionals."
Phenomenal Job –IP, Texas
"The SolarBee did a phenomenal job at improving conditions. We observed not only a visual improvement in water quality but an increase in the diversity of amphibians, aquatic invertebrates, and fish populations. This leads to an increase in the use of the pond by other wildlife such as birds and mammals. These improvements also lead to a greater interest and education opportunity for the general public to learn about the benefits of improved water quality."
Improved Circulation & Resolved Stratification –RN, California
"We have seen the benefits of the installation of the SolarBees in our storage facilities. It has definitely improved circulation inside these potable storage's and solved the stratification problems we have been experiencing."
Can't Beat SolarBee –PG, California
"You just can't beat a SolarBee! We are definitely part of the fan club."
Great Team -JW, Nevada
"Great team you have, the install went well. Thanks again for all your help"
SolarBees Working Flawlessly –DC, California
"We have 4 SolarBees in our potable tanks. Our potable water system has a 30 MG storage capacity, but we could only utilize about 5 MG prior to the SolarBees. We were always trying to deep cycle, but were limited due to poor water quality. After the SolarBees were installed they doubled and tripled the use of our system. The SolarBees have been working flawlessly."
Saved Thousands –PR, Michigan
"The reservoir has very good clarity. Since the Solarbees have been installed in the system we do not have to move water through the system in order to keep the water quality high. This has saved thousands of dollars a month in the spring, summer and fall. "
100% Satisfied –A, West Virginia
"We are completely, 100% satisfied with your service and are impressed how your company went the extra mile!"
A Job Well Done -AB, New Jersey
"I would like to offer my thanks for the job well done by your team. Despite the limitations placed on them by our Covid-19 precautions, they cooperated fully, and with professionalism."
An Exceptional Job –JZ, Wyoming
"Thanks for getting Steve back up here to fix our glitches. He is great to work with and did an exceptional job! Please pass that on to the powers that be!"
Wonderful Service & Support –DH, Louisiana
"SolarBee has provided wonderful service and support. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with such professionals."
OUTSTANDING Customer Service –VK, California
"Your staff and company has earned a HUGE GOLD STAR from our community and me for the OUTSTANDING customer service that you have provided to us. To me it feels like you think our community is your number ONE customer."
Happy With SolarBee –KH, Illinois
"As local residents we would like to comment on the good water quality. We are happy with the SolarBee performance."
Very Reliable & Met Objectives –DC, Colorado
"The two SolarBee's installed in 2007 have been very reliable and have met their objectives. We actively recommend your company to anyone with water issues in the area and you might expect a call from someone with the Colorado Dept of Health in the future."
Improvements Are Substantial –ES, Colorado
"The reservoir improvements are substantial, no blue-green blooms last year, clarity improved dramatically and overall water quality greatly improved."
Reduced THMs By 50% –RS, Colorado
"Our THM’s are 50% of what they were prior to the SolarBee installation. We have not had any ice issues and there are other improvements."
FOG Reduction & Fewer Clogs! -NS, Washington
Here is a before and after pic of the wet well. You can see there is a reduction of FOG build up in the wet well and they also have fewer clogging issues with the pumps!
Thanks For Checking –SM, Illinois
"Thanks for checking on our equipment. It says volumes about your customer service, that is so lacking from many of today's firms."